Thursday 22 December 2011

E-PORTFOLIO Reflection

In ICT course, I had created one e-portfolio. It actually my first time I heard about it. I had learnt many things because of e-portfolio. In my e-portfolio, it have a lot of things especially about me. In my e-portfolio too, there are organization and also collection of my works. This e-portfolio have a lot of information about teaching and learning. I had put an effort to accomplish this e-porfolio in order to make my e-portfolio complete. I think in future, I do not have worried to bring a lot of things in my interview. Only click at my e-portfolio, all information is served. All I need is that just always renew and add more information from time to time.

E-portfolio exposed me to another technology and also can save my time in my future, I just need to upload my works in my e-portfolio and then, I manage to discuss with my friends about my works. E-portfolio also is a good communication tools which we can share our works and ask our friends comment. Thus, we may increase improvement in our works too. In future also, I want exposed this e-portfolio to my students in order to make their job more easily and enjoyable too.

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