Thursday 22 December 2011

ICT Reflection

Information and Communication in Technology in Science (ICT) tought me a lot about technology especially for Science. The topics those were covered were interactive whiteboard (IWB), Data logger, simulation, modelling and e-portfolio. I had gained a lot of knowledge and information in this course. It was an interesting experienced even though I felt had to use all ICT application at first, but after I had practiced for some time, I managed to handled it and it was an enjoyable time. ICT in Science is important in order to increase the effective of learning and teaching lesson. In future, ICT will be an important tools in learning and teaching lesson because it can increase student involvement in class. ICT also able to attract student attention and focused during lesson in class.

I hope in future, ICT will be apply at all school in Malaysia especially for Science student. ICT actually help student to understand discrete processes more, save students time, attractive,  more accurate result in experiment, make invisible to visible and more. This able to make teachers works more easily and also able to develop important science process skill and curiosity of students. Thus, ICT is important for Science students.

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