Thursday 22 December 2011


In ICT I was able to learn about modelling and simulation. From my first thought, simulation and modelling are the same things. But, modelling and simulation acually are two difference things. Our first task was to find one type each for simulation and modelling. At first, I was confused the function between modelling and simulation. But, after I got further information and explaination, I manage to differentiate between modelling and simulation. 

Modelling using ICT enables students to explore the effects of changing data and relationships of physical systems, thus helping students to understand the phenomena involved. Meanwhile, simulation is providing a concrete visual experience of the abstract, investigate life processes which are far too lengthy, study complex interactions, simulate manufacturing processes, difficult, dangerous or costly experiment.

In my opinion, by using modelling and simulation in learning and teaching lesson, teachers able to attract students attention and focused in class. Students also able to understand more about the processes in Science which cannot be seen with naked eye. By using simulation and modelling, teacher able to show the invisible process to be visible for students view. Simulation and modelling actually is a good tools for communication. Students also can be witness dangerous experiment which cannot be done in laboratory. These modelling and simulation also help teachers in their teaching lesson in order to fulfill the learning objective. In future, as I be a teacher, I really want to use modelling and simulation in my class to give good effect for my students learning and understanding. These are useful tools that are good and have a lot of advantages especially for Science students.

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